Germanio e silicio
Germanio e silicio

germanio e silicio

Ha insegnato inoltre Elettronica dello stato solido, Elettronica di Insegna Elettronica I dal 2006 e Dispositivi e sistemiįotovoltaici dal 2013. Nelĭicembre 2012 ha preso servizio come Professore Associato presso Il Dipartimento di Ha preso servizio nelġ998 come tecnico laureato e poi come ricercatore nel SSD ING-INF/01 presso ilĭipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica dell'Università degli Studi Roma Tre nel 2005. Titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Ingegneria all'Università di Roma Tre. Colace si è laureato in Ingegneria Elettronica nel 1992 e nel 1997 ha conseguito il He ranks with a “h-index” of 21 and total citationsĪmount to more than 1500 (Scopus, 01/2017). Scientific journals (81), international patents (4), book chapters (10), international (82) and Colace is author/coauthor of more than 200 publications, including refereed He is member of scientificĪnd organizing committees of conferences and simposia and referee for several scientific Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT). Research Society (MRS), Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Consorzio Colace is member of: Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsĮngineers (IEEE), European Technology Platform for Photonics (Photonics21), Materials Technology, Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers (University of Central Florida), CNR-IFN, CNR-IMEM, CNR-IMEM, Agilent Technologies, Pirelli Labs,

germanio e silicio

Colace established several agreements and collaborations with internationalĪnd national research centers as well as companies including Massachusetts Institute of Infrared imaging, optoelectronic countermeasures and optical sensors for safety and Quantum dots, Germanium and CIGS solar cells, and devices and techniques for near Integrated functional devices for the near infrared based on both Ge/Si and PbS colloidal Optoelectronic devices compatible with silicon technology and relevant to opticalĬommunications, sensing, imaging and photovoltaics and includes the synthesis, analysisĪnd characterization of materials for optoelectronics. Colace is focused on design, fabrication and characterization of He has also given courses in Solid StateĮlectronics, Precision Analog Electronics and Optoelectronics. Photovoltaic devices and systems since 2013. Colace teaches Fundamentals of Electronics since 2006 and "Roma Tre" since 2005 and he is currently Associate Professor at the Department ofĮngineering. Research Associate with the Department of Electronic Engineering at the University In 1997 he completed his PhD at the University "Roma Tre", worked as

germanio e silicio

Colace received his MS ("Laurea") in Electronic Engineering from the University "La Via Vito Volterra, 62 - 00146 - Roma - Italy

Germanio e silicio